Here at HGface we are delighted to be able to offer our patients an in-depth journey into their skin.
We have a new addition in clinic.
The Observ 520x Skin Scanner.
This piece of technology provides us with an innovative means of skin analysis and allows you to discover your skin profile and visualise the characteristics in the various layers of your skin.
The Observ 520x reveals how subtle signs of ageing and skin health contribute to your appearance.
The advanced lighting modes help us to identify the root causes of specific skin concerns.
This means that we can offer personalised advice and treatment plans to address these diagnoses.
Photography takes only seconds and we can look at your profile from five different angles.
Digital patient reports, treatment plans, side-by-side comparisons, personalised notes and tailored skincare regimens are created. Your progress can then be monitored from visit to visit and allows you to compare using different light modes.
360 Light Technology
Imaging is normally a two-dimensional rendition of the face.
By using 360 light technology, the Observ 520x dynamically changes the direction of illumination, allowing for shading to illustrate the changes in ageing facial morphology.
Directional spotlighting reveals the effects of loss of facial fullness, progressive bone absorption, decreased tissue elasticity and gravity.
This means that effective treatment plans can be built based on personal aesthetic concerns.
Very exciting and satisfying!
Check out the different modes below:
Daylight Mode - detects eye bags, deep wrinkles
Skin tags and milia.
This mode provides a clear means for the overall appearance evaluation
Of the skin and provides the baseline for aethetic skin consultations.
Surface Texture
illustrates rough and bumpy skin texture, blackheads, whiteheads and dry lines.
Early signs of ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles, visible pore structures and bumpy skin, including rough patches, become more apparent in this light mode. This helps to understand the overall skin’s micro-relief. The surface texture is also a good indicator of the quality of the underlying skin tissue.
illustrates freckles, dark circles, pigment/melasma, post inflammatory pigmentation (PIH).
Tear trough visibility, inflammation, broken capillaries and spider veins.
Vascular anomalies and inflammation in the dermis become clearly visible using this light mode.
Redness is often related to sensitive skin and can be a significant chronic or temporary concern. It occurs when the skin’s natural barrier function is compromised. This can cause water loss and may allow penetration of irritants.
Cross Polarised
Tear trough, broken capillaries, telangiectasia, spider veins and PIH.
This mode suppresses the skin’s surface shine giving an unobstructed view of dermal structures.
Parallel Polarised
Rough and bumpy skin texture, depressed scars, dry lines, blackheads and whiteheads.
This mode assists in diagnosing skin conditions related to the skin’s micro-relief, whilst the view on deeper tissues is diminished.
True UV
Melasma, sun damage, blemish and acne-prone skin and active acne.
This mode utilises a harmless dose of invisible UV light, which is radiated on the skin. Abnormalities on both the dermis and epidermis creates distinguishable fluorescence patternswhich stand out from the surrounding healthy skin.
Wood’s - T-zone, lipid dryness, hypopigmentation and hydrolipid (oily) skin.
This mode uses short wavelength blue light which is reflected by skin lipids.
Clinic Hours
Wednesday – 9:00 – 17:30
Thursday – 9:00 – 17:30
Friday – 9.00 – 17:30
Saturday, Monday and evening appointments by arrangement
Clinic Hours
Wednesday – 9:00 – 17:30
Thursday – 9:00 – 17:30
Friday – 9.00 – 17:30
Saturday, Monday and evening appointments by arrangement
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